
If a cumulative PTF package was not applied to the system in the last three
months, instruct the customer to load the most recent cumulative PTF package. To
display the cumulative PTF packages that are on your system, see Displaying
OS/400 PTFson page 293.
Cumulative PTF packages
PTFs are stacked on the cumulative PTF removable media in the following order:
v HIPER Licensed Internal Code fixes
v HIPER licensed program PTFs
v Non-HIPER Licensed Internal Code fixes
v Non-HIPER OS/400 PTFs
The cumulative PTF package contains the majority of the PTFs that were available
approximately one month before the package date. Additional PTFs are available
through the IBM software support center.
PSP listings
Obtain information about preventive service planning (PSP) by contacting the
customers software service provider.
Before generating a LIC APAR, ask your next level of support to screen the APAR
and enter the symptoms of the problem into the service support system.
Licensed programs
Licensed programs are represented by names in the form xxxxyyy, where xxxx is
the base operating system software and yyy is a unique, 3-character alphanumeric
identifier. For more information on code naming conventions, see iSeries Licensed
Internal Code Diagnostic Aids - Volume 1 .
Displaying Licensed Internal Code fixes
Use the following information to determine the Licensed Internal Code fixes that
are on the system. To determine the operating system fixes that are on the system,
see Displaying OS/400 PTFson page 293.
Perform the following to display Licensed Internal Code fixes:
1. Access DST (see Accessing Dedicated Service Toolson page 4).
2. Select the Work with Licensed Internal Code option from the Use Dedicated Service
Tools (DST) display.
3. Select the Display Licensed Internal Code option.
4. Select the Fix information option.
5. Select F4 (Prompt) to display a list of Licensed Internal Code fixes. The status
information is displayed (pending, or applied permanently or temporarily).
6. To display detailed information about a specific fix, use the Select option.
v On the Display Fix Information display, use the function keys to display PTF
requirements, supersede information, and dependent fix information.
224 Service Functions V5R2