Chapter 8. Licensed Internal Code
Licensed Internal Code (LIC) introduction ....223
Fixes and cumulative PTF packages ......223
Cumulative PTF packages ........224
PSP listings .............224
Licensed programs ..........224
Displaying Licensed Internal Code fixes ....224
Code naming conventions .........225
Utilities to Install and Restore Licensed Internal
Code ................225
Introduction .............225
Overview of Licensed Internal Code Install and
Restore ..............225
Utility to install Licensed Internal Code . . . 226
Introduction ............226
Installing Licensed Internal Code .....226
Utility to restore Licensed Internal Code . . . 227
Introduction ............227
Restoring Licensed Internal Code.....227
Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR) . . 228
Licensed Internal Code (LIC) introduction
The OS/400 operating system is under the control of hardware and software.
These controlling parts consist of the following:
v Operating system program
v Licensed Internal Code (system)
v Licensed Internal Code (service processor)
v Licensed Internal Code (I/O processor)
v Hardware
Licensed Internal Code controls the system software and hardware. The Licensed
Internal Code and the software licensed programs are packaged together and
delivered on the same removable media. The operating system provides one
interface to the customer for handling all the code on the system.
Fixes and cumulative PTF packages
Between code releases, problems that are found with the code are fixed with
program temporary fixes (PTFs). The term PTF can refer to a Licensed Internal
Code, an operating system, or other IBM licensed program fix. Because some PTFs
repair problems that might appear to be hardware failures, your actions with PTFs
are important for both the customer and for IBM. It is often difficult to tell the
difference between a real hardware failure and a code problem that is fixed by a
The customer is responsible for maintaining fixes to Licensed Internal Code and
the operating system.
To display the Licensed Internal Code fixes that are on your system, see
“Displaying Licensed Internal Code fixes” on page 224. To display the operating
system fixes and cumulative PTF packages that are on your system, see
“Displaying OS/400 PTFs” on page 293.
Some PTFs fix problems that might appear to be hardware failures. Always ensure
that the recommended PTFs are applied before you exchange hardware.
The cumulative PTF packages contain the majority of the PTFs that were available
approximately one month before the package date. Additional PTFs (those that
have special instructions, or are not requested often) are available through the IBM
support center.
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