SCSI Registers 4-47
field, see the definition for SCSI Status One (SSTAT1)
bits [7:4].
SPL1 Latched SCSI Parity for SD[15:8] 3
This active HIGH bit reflects the SCSI odd parity signal
corresponding to the data latched into the most
significantbyteintheSCSI Input Data Latch (SIDL)
R Reserved 2
LDSC Last Disconnect 1
This bit is used in conjunction with the Connected (CON)
bit in SCSI Control One (SCNTL1).Itallowstheuserto
detect the case in which a target device disconnects, and
then some SCSI device selects or reselects the
LSI53C875A. If the Connected bit is asserted and the
LDSC bit is asserted, a disconnect is indicated. This bit
is set when the Connected bit in SCNTL1 is off. This bit
is cleared when a Block Move instruction is executed
while the Connected bit in SCNTL1 is on.
SDP1 SCSI SDP1 Signal 0
This bit represents the active HIGH current state of the
SCSI SDP1 parity signal. It is unlatched and may change
as it is read.
Data Structure Address (DSA)
DSA Data Structure Address [31:0]
This 32-bit register contains the base address used for all
table indirect calculations. The DSA register is usually
loaded prior to starting an I/O, but it is possible for a
SCRIPTS Memory Move to load the DSA during the I/O.
During any Memory-to-Memory Move operation, the
contents of this register are preserved. The power-up
value of this register is indeterminate.
31 0