LSI 53C875A Computer Hardware User Manual

4-92 Registers
for test purposes or to lower I
during a power-down
DSI Disable Single Initiator Response 4
If this bit is set, the LSI53C875A ignores all bus-initiated
selection attempts that employ the single initiator option
from SCSI-1. In order to select the LSI53C875A while this
bit is set, the LSI53C875A’s SCSI ID and the initiator’s
SCSI ID must both be asserted. Assert this bit in
SCSI-2 systems so that a single bit error on the SCSI bus
is not interpreted as a single initiator response.
S16 16-Bit System 3
If this bit is set, all devices in the SCSI system
implementation are assumed to be 16-bit. This causes
the LSI53C875A to always check the parity bit for SCSI
IDs [15:8] during bus-initiated selection or reselection,
assuming parity checking has been enabled. If an 8-bit
SCSI device attempts to select the LSI53C875A while
this bit is set, the LSI53C875A will ignore the selection
attempt. This is because the parity bit for IDs [15:8] will
not be driven. See the description of the Enable Parity
Checking bit in the SCSI Control Zero (SCNTL0) register
for more information.
TTM Timer Test Mode 2
Asserting this bit facilitates testing of the selection
time-out, general purpose, and handshake-to-handshake
timers by greatly reducing all three time-out periods.
Setting this bit starts all three timers and if the respective
bits in the SCSI Interrupt Enable One (SIEN1) register
are asserted, the LSI53C875A generates interrupts at
time-out. This bit is intended for internal manufacturing
diagnosis and should not be used.
Setting this bit causes the “full flags” for the SCSI FIFO
to be cleared. This empties the FIFO. This bit is
self-clearing. In addition to the SCSI FIFO pointers, the
SCSI Input Data Latch (SIDL), SCSI Output Data Latch
(SODL), and (SODR, a hidden buffer register which is not
accessible) full bits in the SCSI Status Zero (SSTAT0)
and SCSI Status Two (SSTAT2) are cleared.