NETGEAR GS700TR Switch User Manual

GS700TR Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Configuring System Information 2-15
v1.0, May, 2008
First Fragment: TCP Header size smaller then configured value.
TCP Fragment: IP Fragment Offset = 1.
TCP Flag: TCP Flag SYN set and Source Port < 1024 or TCP Control Flags = 0 and TCP
Sequence Number = 0 or TCP Flags FIN, URG, and PSH set and TCP Sequence Number
= 0
or TCP Flags SYN and FIN set.
L4 Port: Source TCP/UDP Port = Destination TCP/UDP Port.
ICMP: Limiting the size of ICMP Ping packets.
To access the Denial of Service page:
1. Click System > Management > Denial of Service in the navigation menu.
Figure 2-8