C Module Operation
USART Peripheral Interface, I
C Mode
15.2.5 The I
C Data Register I2CDR
The I2CDR register can be accessed as an 8-bit or 16-bit register selected by
the I2CWORD bit. The I2CDR register functions as described in Table 15−2.
When I2CWORD = 1, any attempt to modify the register with a byte instruction
will fail and the register will not be modified.
Table 15−2.I2CDR Register Function
I2CDR Function
Byte mode transmit: Only the low byte is used. The byte is
double buffered. If a new byte is written before the previous
byte has been transmitted, the new byte is held in a
temporary buffer before being latched into the I2CDR low
byte. TXRDYIFG is set when I2CDR is ready to be accessed.
I2CDR should be written after I2CSTT is set.
Byte mode receive: Only the low byte is used. The byte is
double buffered. If a new byte is received before the previous
byte has been read, the new byte is held in a temporary buffer
before being latched into the I2CDR low byte. RXRDYIFG is
set when I2CDR is ready to be read.
Word mode transmit: The low byte of the word is sent first,
then the high byte. The register is double buffered. If a new
word is written before the previous word has been
transmitted, the new word is held in a temporary buffer before
being latched into the I2CDR register. TXRDYIFG is set
when I2CDR is ready to be accessed. I2CDR should be
written after I2CSTT is set.
Word mode receive: The low byte of the word was received
first, then the high byte. The register is double buffered. If a
new word is received before the previous word has been
read, the new word is held in a temporary buffer before being
latched into the I2CDR register. RXRDYIFG is set when
I2CDR is ready to be accessed.
Transmit Underflow
In master mode, underflow occurs when the transmit shift register and the
transmit buffer are empty. In slave mode, underflow occurs when the transmit
shift register and the transmit buffer are empty and the external I
C master still
requests data. When transmit underflow occurs, the I2CTXUDF bit is set.
Writing data to the I2CDR register or resetting the I2CEN bit resets I2CTXUDF.
I2CTXUDF is used in transmit mode only.
Receive Overrun
Receive overrun occurs when the receive shift register is full and the receive
buffer is full. The I2CRXOVR bit is set when receive overrun occurs. No data
is lost because SCL is held low in this condition, which stops further bus
activity. Reading the I2CDR register or resetting I2CEN resets I2CRXOVR.
The I2CRXOVR bit is used in receive mode only.