Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Analyze Atpg Constraints Command Dictionary
Analyze Atpg Constraints
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: Atpg, Fault, and Good modes
For FastScan
ANAlyze ATpg Constraints {-AUto | -ALl | [{pin_pathname | gate_id# |
function_name}... [-
Satisfy | -Exclusive]]} [-Bus]
For FlexTest
ANAlyze ATpg Constraints {-AUto | -ALl | {pin_pathname | gate_id# |
function_name}...} [-Bus]
Specifies for FastScan or FlexTest to check the ATPG constraints you’ve created
for their satisfiability or for their mutual exclusivity.
If you issue the Analyze Atpg Constraints command without any arguments, the
default is -All.
When the command finishes, the tool displays a message indicating whether the
analysis passed, failed, or aborted the ATPG constraint analysis.
The following lists the three methods for naming the objects for which you wish
to analyze the constraints. You can use any number of the three argument choices,
in any order.
FastScan Only - If you only specify an object name when you issue this
command, by default FastScan performs the satisfiability (-Satisfy) analysis.
An optional switch that automatically tries to locate the atpg constraint that
cannot be satisfied. The analysis checks to see if any single constraint cannot
be satisfied. Each constraint which cannot be satisfied (given the current abort
limit and other restrictions) is reported. Sometimes, each constraint can be