Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Set System Mode
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set System Mode
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
For FastScan
SET SYstem Mode {Setup | {{Atpg | Fault | Good} [-Force]}
For FlexTest
SET SYstem Mode {Setup | {{Atpg | Fault | Good | Drc} [-Force]}
Specifies the system mode you want the tool to enter.
The Set System Mode command directs the tool to a specific system mode. The
system mode that you specify may be any of the modes that your tool supports.
The default mode upon invocation of the tool is Setup.
When you switch from the Setup mode to any other mode, the tool builds a flat
gate-level simulation model. Also, when switching from any other mode to the
Setup mode, the tool discards all of the results generated in that mode unless you
first save them.
A literal that specifies for the tool to enter the Setup system mode.
For FastScan — Within this mode, you build the simulation model and identify
and audit the scan structure. Unless the circuit passes rules checking, you
cannot exit this mode except by specifying the -Force switch with one of the
other mode names. When you re-enter the Setup mode, the tool discards the
current fault list, internal pattern set, observe points, and control points.
For FlexTest — Within this mode, you set up the design and simulation
environments. If you used DFTAdvisor for scan insertion, the design settings