Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Report Gates Command Dictionary
gate_id# — A repeatable integer that specifies the gate identification numbers
of the objects. The value of the gate_id# argument is the unique identification
number that the tool automatically assigns to every gate within the design
during the model flattening process.
pin_pathname — A repeatable string that specifies the names of pins within
the design.
instance_name — A repeatable string that specifies the top-level boundary
instance names within the design. This is used for the design level only.
-Type gate_type
A repeatable switch where gate_type is a name pair that specifies the gate
types for which you want to display the gate information. Table 2-3 lists the
supported types for each tool. Tables 2-4 and 2-5 list the valid FlexTest learned
types and the valid FastScan clock port categories, respectively.
FastScan Only - The ALLF option allows you to report gates on all primitive
level gates and ATPG functions. This feature supports users who require
access to FastScan flattened models.
-Forward {pin_pathname | gate_id}...
An optional switch that reports the fan-out cone of the specified gate.
-Backward {pin_pathname | gate_id}...
An optional switch that reports the fan-in cone of the specified gate.
-Endpoints [-Forward | -Backward] {pin_pathname | gate_id}...
An optional switch that reports only the endpoint of the cone.
-COnstraint [-Forward | -Backward] {pin_pathname | gate_id}...
An optional switch that takes into account the effects of pin and cell
Immediately after -Endpoints, you must specify either -Forward or
-Backward followed by the specified gate. When using -Endpoints
or -COnstraint simultaneously, -Forward or -Backward followed
by the specified gate need only be entered once.