Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set System Mode Command Dictionary
are available in a dofile. The dofile usually contains, among other items, the
clock, scan group, and scan chain definitions.
A literal that specifies for the tool to enter the Test Pattern Generation system
In this mode, the Run command performs the test pattern generation process
using the patterns indicated by the selected pattern source. The tool performs
fault simulation to determine test coverage and places all effective patterns into
the internal test pattern set.
A literal that specifies for the tool to enter the Fault Simulation system mode.
In this mode, the Run command performs fault simulation on the selected
pattern source. The tool calculates the test coverage, but does not store into the
internal test pattern set the patterns that it used to achieve the test coverage.
A literal that specifies for the tool to enter the Good Simulation system mode.
In this mode, the Run command performs good machine simulation on the
selected pattern source. You would normally use this mode for debugging.
Drc (FlexTest Only)
A literal that specifies for FlexTest to enter the Design Rule Checker mode,
which you can enter to troubleshoot rule violations. If available, you can use
the optional schematic viewing tool (DFTInsight) to help you in
troubleshooting the rule violations. The Drc mode retains the flattened design
model that FlexTest used during the design rules checking process. When you
exit Drc mode into either the Atpg, Fault, or Good system modes, FlexTest
uses any information it learned while in the Drc mode.
An optional switch that forces an exit of the Setup mode in the presence of
non-fatal rules checking errors. This option has no effect except when exiting
the Setup system mode.