Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Drc Handling Command Dictionary
D1 — The netlist contains all the gates in the backtrace cone of the clock
inputs of the disturbed scan cell. The pin data shows the pattern values the
tool simulated when it encountered the error.
D2 — The netlist contains all the gates in the backtrace cone of the failing
gate. The pin data shows the values the tool simulated for all time periods
of the shift procedure.
D3 — The netlist contains all the gates in the backtrace cone of the failing
gate. The pin data shows the values the tool simulates for all time periods of
the master_observe procedure.
D4 — The netlist contains all the gates in the backtrace cone of the failing
gate. The pin data shows the values the tool simulates for all time periods of
the skew_load procedure.
D5 — The netlist contains the disturbed gate, and there is no pin data.
D6 | D7 | D8 — The netlist contains all the gates in the backtrace cone of
the clock inputs of the failing gate. The pin data shows the value that the
tool simulates when all clocks are at their off-states.
D9 — The netlist contains all the gates in the backtrace cone of the clock
inputs of the failing gate. The pin data shows the pattern value the tool
simulated when it encountered the error.
D10 (FastScan Only) — The netlist contains a transparent capture cell that
feeds logic requiring both the new and old values. Upon invocation, the tool
reports failures as Errors. FastScan models failing source gates as TIEX
regardless of the reporting you specify.
D11 (FastScan Only) — The netlist contains a transparent capture cell that
connects to primary output pins. Upon invocation, the tool reports failures
as Warnings and the primary output pins involved are not used (expected
values are X). If you specify to Ignore D11 violations with this command,
you can perform “what-if” analysis of a sub-block on the assumption that
all its primary output pins feed scan cells, and so FastScan eventually
removes the cause of the D11 (or possibly replaces it with a D10 violation).
In this case the reported fault coverage does not consider the effect of
reconvergence through transparent capture cells, and so may not always be
accurate. When you Ignore this DRC, patterns that you save may be invalid.