Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Report Gates
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
For a gate whose output is constrained to a fixed value, the tool reports only
other gates whose output is also constrained. For a gate whose output is not
constrained to a fixed value, the tools reports only other gates whose outputs
are not constrained. During backwards tracing, a mux input, which is always
blocked by a constrained value on the select line of the mux, will never be back
-Path {gate_id# | pin_pathname} {gate_id# | pin_pathname} (FastScan Only)
An optional switch that reports on the path between the first gate_id# |
pin_pathname and the second gate_id# | pin_pathname. All paths must be
specified at the primitive level. Paths do not extend through sequential
elements. The output generates a report on each primitive in the path(s), in
order of increasing gate_id#.
-Depth (FlexTest Only)
An optional switch that extends the cone report to several levels. The next
level cones reported will be the cones of the endpoints of the previous level. If
there are loops in a circuit, gates may be repeated in several levels. The default
is only one level.
Immediately after -Constraint, you must specify either -Forward or
-Backward followed by the specified gate. When using -Endpoints
or -COnstraint simultaneously, -Forward or -Backward followed
by the specified gate need only be entered once.
Table 2-3. Reportable Gate Types
FastScan FlexTest Description
BUF BUF buffer
INV INV inverter
NAND NAND inverted and
OR OR or
NOR NOR inverted or