Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Simulation Mode Command Dictionary
Set Simulation Mode
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: All modes
SET SImulation Mode Combinational | {Ram_sequential [-Random]} [-Depth
Specifies whether the ATPG simulation run uses combinational or sequential
RAM test patterns.
The Set Simulation Mode command determines the simulation mode FastScan
uses during ATPG. If you specify Ram_sequential for pattern generation, you can
further specify the -Random option to force random patterns to also be
RAM_sequential. If you do not use the -Random switch, random patterns are
The -Depth option provides the ability to use clock_sequential cells. It is highly
recommended that you select the smallest possible depth, because it affects both
memory requirements and performance. When you increase the sequential depth,
the tool places all current ATPG untestable faults in the untested fault class. You
cannot decrease the sequential depth when there are any active patterns.
If you specify the Ram_sequential option to allow sequential RAM test patterns in
the test pattern file, you must operate the sequential RAM simulation mode under
the following rules:
1. You may not use ram_sequential patterns with the transition fault type.
2. You may not use ram_sequential patterns with the Set ATPG Compression
command, but you may use them with the Compress Patterns command.
3. If you are using external patterns that contain ram_sequential patterns, you
must set the simulation mode to Ram_sequential.