Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
flextest Shell Commands
An optional switch that invokes FlexTest in command-line mode (without the
Graphical User Interface).
An optional switch that invokes only the FlexTest fault simulator. This switch
prevents you from entering the ATPG system mode.
-TOP model_name
An optional switch and string pair that specifies the name of the top-level
model in the netlist.
-DOFile dofile_name
An optional switch and string pair that specifies the name of the dofile that you
want FlexTest to execute upon invocation.
-LICense retry_limit
An optional switch that specifies FlexTest to check for a license every minute
until the specified retry_limit is reached. If no license is found within the
specified retry_limit, the invocation process aborts.
-Hostfile host_filename
An optional switch and string pair that specifies Distributed FlexTest setup
information. For more information on Distributed FlexTest and host_filename
contents, refer to “Distributed FlexTest” on page 5-1.
An optional switch that displays a message that contains all the FlexTest
invocation switches and a brief description of each.
An optional switch that displays a message that contains just the FlexTest
invocation switches, with no descriptions.
An optional switch that displays the version of the FlexTest software that you
currently have available.