Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Timing Command Dictionary SET FORCE TIME
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
A set of time values indicating when the input pin forces should occur. The
number of list values must equal the number of timeframes in the test cycle, as
specified by the Set Test Cycle application command.
In the first timeframe, input pin forces always either occur at 0 or a time
specified by the SET FIRST_FORCE TIME command. So, the time values
you specify using this command establish the force times for the remaining
timeframes in the test cycle. Each time value specified corresponds to the next
timeframe. For example, the first specified time value corresponds to the start
of the second timeframe and so on.
Assuming the test cycle contains four timeframes, the following example specifies
input pin forces at 0, 20, 40, and 70ns after the start of the test cycle.
SET FORCE TIME 20 40 70 150;
Figure A-8 shows when the input pin forces occur based on this example.
Figure A-8. SET FORCE Timing Example
As shown, the first test cycle’s forces occur at time 0, 20, 40, and 70ns. The time
of 150 establishes the end of the test cycle. In the second test cycle, forces would
occur at time 150 plus the specified offsets; that is, at time 150 (150+0), 170
(150+20), 190 (150+40), and 220ns (150+70).
Force times for all unspecified pins
cycle starts
cycle ends