Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Set Gate Report
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Gate Report
Tools Supported: DFTInsight, FastScan, and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
For FastScan
SET GAte REport {Normal | Trace | Error_pattern | Fault_status | Bist_data |
TIe_value | Constrain_value | Seq_depth_data | Clock_cone pin_name |
{Drc_pattern procedure_name [-
All | time]} | {Parallel_pattern
pattern_number} | {CApture_pattern [n | All]}}
For FlexTest
SET GAte REport {Normal | Race | Trace | Error_pattern | TIe_value |
Constrain_value | Clock_cone pin_name | Analysis [Control | Observe] |
{Drc_pattern procedure_name [-
All | time]} | Parallel_pattern
pattern_number | REcord {cycle_number | -All} | SImulation | CONTrol}
DFTInsight Menu Path:
Setup > Reporting Detail
Specifies the additional display information for the Report Gates command.
The Set Gate Report command controls the type of additional information that the
Report Gates command displays. Each Set Gate Report option causes the Report
Gates command to provide different details regarding the gates on which it
reports. This command also controls the information displayed for each instance
in the DFTInsight Schematic View area.
When you exit the Setup system mode, the trace and any rules-checking error
pattern results will not be available with the usage of this command.
For information on the format output by the different options in this command,
refer to the Report Gates reference page.