Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Setup Checkpoint
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
-Nopattern (FlexTest Only)
An optional switch that specifies that the tool should not save the test set. This
option is provided in cases where you only want to save the fault list and not
the test pattern set (use this option in conjunction with the -Faultlist fault_file
An optional integer that specifies the number of minutes between each write of
the test patterns. The default is 100 minutes.
An optional switch that forces the tool to overwrite the file if a file by that
name already exists.
An optional switch that specifies to overwrite the test patterns each time there
are any differences. This is the default.
An optional switch that writes the new test patterns to a new file each time a
test pattern differs. The first file that the tool writes to is filename; each
subsequent file is named “filenameN”, where N is an integer that starts at 1 and
increases by one for each additional file.
-Ascii (FastScan Only)
An optional switch that allows the pattern files to be saved in ascii format. This
is the default format.
-Binary (FastScan Only)
An optional switch that allows the pattern files to be saved in binary format.
-Faultlist fault_file
An optional switch that allows the fault list to be saved.
-Keep_aborted (FastScan Only)
An optional switch that identifies aborted faults as they are written to the
fault_file. This is useful in cases where aborted faults need to be restored later