Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Add Atpg Functions
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
ATPG constraints with this temporal function option. The -Init_state switch
allows you to specify initial values when using Frame or Cycle functions.
The Add Atpg Functions command also lets you add ATPG functions to a net.
Thus, if the circuit structure changes and the ATPG functions specified on the net
pathnames do not change, you do not have to identify the instance and the pin on
which the ATPG functions have to be applied. If any ATPG function is added to
the net, the equivalent pin is found first and the function is added to that pin
instead. Therefore, the Report Atpg Function command may not show the net
pathname specified.
A required string that specifies the name of the ATPG function that you are
creating. You can use this function_name as an argument to the Add Atpg
Constraints command.
A required argument specifying the operation that the function performs on the
selected objects. The choices for the type argument, from which you can select
only one, are as follows:
And — The output of the function is the same as for a standard AND gate.
Or — The output of the function is the same as for a standard OR gate.
Equiv — The output of the function is a high state (1) if all its inputs are at
a low state (0), or if all its inputs are at a high state (1). So, the function’s
output is a low state if there is at least one input at a low state and at least
one input at a high state.
Temporal constraints cannot be used with self-initialized test
sequences. FlexTest requires the first test vector of the current test
sequence to satisfy the temporal constraints with the previous
generated test sequence. Refer to the Set Self Initialization
command for more information.