Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Set Gate Report
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
CApture_pattern [n | All] (FastScan Only)
A literal that specifies for the Report Gates command to display simulation
values that result after the final capture clock pulse has been added. The option
n is an integer in the range of 0 to 31 for all platforms except for DEC (where
the range is 0 to 63). This integer corresponds to the parallel pattern number.
The All option forces all 32 (or 64 on DEC) values to be displayed in a single
string separated by the “/” character.
If you cannot have contention check on, use the Parallel_pattern option
described previously rather than Capture_pattern. The difference between the
two modes is that the Parallel_pattern option shows the values right before the
capture clock, whereas the Capture_pattern option shows the values right after
the capture clock.
REcord record_number | -All (FlexTest Only)
A literal and argument pair that specifies the recorded test cycles from the
previous simulation run that you want the Report Gates command to display.
The argument choices for the Record option are as follows:
record_number — A positive integer greater than 0 that specifies the
recorded test cycle for which you want the Report Gates command to
display internal values. A 1 indicates the last test cycle recorded, a 2
indicates the second from last, a 3 indicates the third from last, and so on.
The total number of recorded test cycles is determined by the Run -Record
command option.
-All — A switch that specifies for the Report Gates command to display all
the recorded internal values as determined by the Run -Record command
You must first issue the command “Set Contention Check
Capture_clock” in order for this option to work properly.
The number of recorded test cycles multiplied by the number of
timeframes per cycle must be less than 1024, to prevent exceeding
the maximum string length of the Report Gates command.