Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Set Instancename Visibility
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
An optional literal that specifies that instance names should contain the full
hierarchical pathname. This is the default upon invocation.
-Leaf leaf_levels
An optional switch that specifies how many levels of a hierarchical name are
displayed starting from the leaf name and counting up the hierarchy. The value
of leaf_levels must be greater than 0 in order for the -Leaf option to be valid. If
the -Leaf option is specified with leaf_levels omitted, the default value will be
set to 1 and only the leaf name will be shown(.../leafname). Otherwise a
maximum of leaf_levels of name elements is shown.
-Root root_levels
An optional switch that specifies how many levels of a hierarchical name are
displayed starting from the root and counting down the hierarchy. The value of
root_levels must be greater than 0 in order for the -Root option to be valid. If
the -Root option is specified with root_levels omitted, the default value is set
to 1 and only the root name will be shown. Otherwise a maximum of
root_levels of name elements is shown.
Given an instance name “top/alu/add1/u3,”
1. Specifying the following:
set instancename visibility -r 1 -l
Results in the following display:
2. Specifying the following:
set instancename visibility -r 3 -l 3
Results in the following display: