Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Pattern Source Command Dictionary
-BInary (FastScan only)
An optional switch specifying that the External test pattern set is in binary
format. This is used when reading in a file saved with the SAVe PAtterns
-BInary command.
If neither -Binary or -Ascii options are specified, FastScan tries to open and
process the file as a binary file, if this is unsuccessful, it tries to open and
process the file as an ASCII file.
-Store_patterns (FastScan Only)
An optional switch that allows FastScan to place patterns that it simulates
during the Good system mode into the internal pattern set. You can then use
the Save Patterns command to save these patterns to an external file.
You cannot use this option with the Internal pattern source.
-Table (FlexTest Only)
An optional switch specifying that the External test pattern set is in table
format. You must use this option if you specify External patterns that are in
table format.
You cannot use this option with the Internal pattern source.
-Vcd (FlexTest Only)
The filename contains pattern data in the extended VCD format.
-Control control_filename (FlexTest Only)
Control file name that contains the waveform information of each primary
input and output pins.
An optional switch specifying that the source test pattern set contains ASCII
patterns that are not padded for the scan load and unload data. For example, the
source pattern set may be one that you wrote with the Save Patterns command
using its -NOPadding switch.
You cannot use this option with the Internal pattern source.