Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FlexTest WDB Translation Support Example
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
You can also invoke wdb2flex from the FlexTest command line to perform the
same translation by using the System command as shown here:
SYStem $MGC_HOME/bin/wdb2flex -O flex.stim sample_commands
forces.wdb results.wdb
The control file, called sample_commands, contains the following commands:
SET CYcle Time 150
SETup INput Strobes 30
SETup OUtput Strobes 145
ADD INput Clocks SR0 100 150 CLK1
ADD INput Strobe 100 CLK2
The Set Cycle Time command sets the test cycle to 150ns, the period of the fastest
clock. In this instance, wdb2flex considers CLK1 to be the only clock in this
circuit, because the utility’s definition of a clock is a signal that changes twice in a
test cycle. With a cycle time of 150ns, the only signal that changes twice is CLK1.
Figure B-1 shows that the timing starts at 900ns, which is the start of the 7th test
cycle. Since the data is stable 30ns after the beginning of each cycle, the input
strobe time is at 30ns. The output strobe time should be at the time when all output
values are stable. Normally, this happens at the end of each test cycle, therefore,
the output strobe time is at 145ns. The first clock strobe occurs at 1000ns and the
second clock strobe occurs at 1050ns. Thus, if you specify relative timing, you
should strobe the clock at 100ns after the start of the test cycle and again at 150ns,
which is the end of the test cycle. The Add Input Clocks command specifies that
the signal CLK1 is a clock with a format of SR0 and strobe times of 100 and
150ns. Because CLK2 acts as a unique input, an Add Input Strobe command
specifies to strobe this signal at 100ns.
To set up the test cycle and pin constraints for this circuit in the Setup mode in
FlexTest, enter the following:
SET TEst Cycle 3
ADD PIn Constraints SR0 1 1 1 CLK1
ADD PIn Constraints SR0 2 2 2 CLK2