Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Delete Nofaults
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
An optional switch that specifies interpretation of the pathname argument as
an instance pathname.
An optional switch specifies interpretation of the pathname argument as a
module pathname. All instances of these modules are affected.
-Stuck_at 01 | 0 | 1
An optional switch and literal pair that specifies the stuck-at values which you
want to delete. The valid stuck-at literals are as follows:
01 — A literal that deletes both the “stuck-at-0” and “stuck-at-1” nofault
settings. This is the default.
0 — A literal that deletes the “stuck-at-0” nofault settings.
1 — A literal that deletes the “stuck-at-1” nofault settings.
-Class User | System | Full
An optional switch and literal pair that specifies the source (or class) of the
nofault settings which you want to delete. The valid literals are as follows:
User — A literal that deletes the user-entered nofault settings. This is the
System — A literal that deletes netlist-based nofault settings.
Full — A literal that deletes all the nofault settings in the user and system
The following example deletes an extra nofault setting from the instance i_1007
and then adds all faults to the circuit, thereby allowing the tool to add faults to the
pin names of the i_1007 instance:
add nofaults i_1006 i_1007 i_1008 -instance
delete nofaults i_1007 -instance
set system mode atpg
add faults -all