Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Write Failures
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
o The name of the scan chain where the failing scan cell resides.
o The position in the scan chain of the failing scan cell. This position is 0
based, where position 0 is the scan cell closest to the scan-out pin.
This command is used primarily for diagnostics.
A required string that specifies the name of the file where FastScan is to write
the information on any failing patterns.
An optional switch that replaces the contents of the file if the filename already
pin_pathname -Stuck_at 0 | 1
A string paired with a switch and literal pair specifying both the location and
the value of the fault that you want to check for failing patterns. The following
describes each of the arguments in more detail:
pin_pathname — A string that specifies the pin pathname of the fault
whose failing patterns you want to identify.
If you do not specify a pin_pathname, the command performs a good
machine simulation. You can use this good machine simulation to check
that the measured values from the test patterns are consistent with simulated
values. Any columnar failing patterns results indicate a mismatch.
-Stuck_at 0 | 1 — A switch and literal pair specifying the stuck-at values
that you want to simulate. The stuck-at literal choices are as follows:
0 — A literal that specifies for FastScan to simulate the “stuck-at-0”
1 — A literal that specifies for FastScan to simulate the “stuck-at-1”
If you choose to provide the pin_pathname and -Stuck_at value, you can
further modify the command’s behavior by adding the -Max and -Pdet