Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Shell Commands flextest
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Prerequisites: You must have a design in one of the required formats on which to
invoke. The valid formats are: EDDM, EDIF, TDL, Verilog, VHDL, GENIE
and SPICE.
Minimum Typing: This invocation command does not follow the conventional
minimum typing rule. The capitalized letters in the usage line indicate the only
alternative typing accepted for that switch.
$MGC_HOME/bin/flextest [-FAlcon]
$MGC_HOME/bin/flextest {{{design_name {{-EDDM [
-I | {-S root_name}]} |
cell_name}} [-Library filename] [-SENsitive] [-LOG filename] [-REPlace]
[-NOGui] [-FAlcon] [-FaultSIM] [-TOP model_name]
[-DOFile dofile_name] [-LICense retry_limit] [-Hostfile host_filename]} |
{[-HELP] | [-USAGE] | [-VERSION]}
You can invoke FlexTest in two different ways. Using the first option, you enter
just the application name on the shell command line. Once the tool is invoked, a
dialog box prompts you for the required arguments ({design name | cell_name},
design format, and library). Browser buttons are provided for navigating to the
appropriate files. Once the design and library are loaded, the tool is in Setup mode
and ready for you to begin working on your design.
Using the second option requires you to enter all required arguments at the shell
command line. When the tool is finished invoking, the design and library are also
loaded. The tool is now in Setup mode and ready for you to begin working on
your design.