Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Distributed FlexTest
Environment Setup
Before using Distributed FlexTest, you must ensure that the following
environment variables are defined in the shell start-up file (.cshrc or.kshrc) for the
master machine.
MGLS_LICENSE_FILE - a variable that specifies the location of MGC
license information.
MGC_HOME - a variable that specifies the location of the FlexTest
The rsh or remsh shell is used to spawn the parallel processes. You should be able
to spawn a remote shell without requiring a password by setting up the appropriate
slave machines in the $HOME/.rhosts file or by setting up the /etc./hosts.equiv file
to declare a set of machines to be equivalent. The appropriate shell start-up file
(.cshrc or.kshrc) is invoked before the remote process is spawned.
Host File Setup
The additional parameters for the slave machines are specified in a Host File that
must be specified at FlexTest invocation.
$MGC_HOME/bin/flextest {{{design_name {{-EDDM [-I | {-S root_name}]} |
cell_name}} [-Library filename] [-SENsitive] [-LOG filename] [-Replace]
[-NOGui] [-Falcon] [-FaultSIM] [-Top model_name] [-DOFile dofile_name]
[-Hostfile host_filename]} | {[-HELP] | [-USAGE] | [-VERSION]}
You can specify the Host File at invocation by using the -Hostfile option at the
shell prompt. You can also specify the Host File in the FlexTest Invocation
Arguments dialog box when using the graphical user interface (see Figure 5-2).