Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Report Flatten Rules
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
FP11 — An input pin is used as in/out pin. The default upon invocation is
FP12 — An output pin has no fan-out. The default upon invocation is
FP13 — An input pin has a floating instance in the netlist module. This
default upon invocation is warning.
Following are the gate rules:
FG1 — The defining model of an instance does not exist. The default upon
invocation is error. If it is not an error condition, this instance is treated as
an undefined primitive.
FG2 — The feedback gate is not in feedback loop. The default upon
invocation is error.
FG3 — The bus keeper has no functional impact. The default upon
invocation is warning
FG4 — The RAM/ROM read attribute not supported. The default upon
invocation is warning
FG5 — The RAM attribute not supported. The default upon invocation is
FG6 — The RAM type not supported. The default upon invocation is error
FG7 — The netlist module has a primitive not supported. The default upon
invocation is error. if non-error is chosen, this primitive is treated as
FG8 — The library model has a primitive not supported. The default upon
invocation is error. If non-error is chosen, this primitive is treated as
A literal that specifies the identification of the exact flattening rule violation
(the occurrence) for which you want to display information. For example, you
can analyze the second occurrence of the FG4 rule by specifying the rule_id
and the occurence_id, FG4 2. The tool assigns the occurrences of the rules
violations as it encounters them; you cannot change either the rule
identification number or the ordering of the specific violations.