Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Delete Faults
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Delete Faults
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: Atpg, Fault, and Good modes
Prerequisites: You must add faults with the Add Faults or Load Faults commands
before you can delete them.
For FastScan
Path Delay Faults Usage:
DELete FAults {object_pathname... | -All} [-Untestable] [-Both | -Rise | -Fall]
Stuck/Toggle/Iddq Faults Usage:
DELete FAults {object_pathname... | -All} [-Stuck_at {
01 | 0 | 1}]
For FlexTest
DELete FAults {object_pathname... | -Untestable | -All} [-Stuck_at {01 | 0 | 1}]
Removes faults from the current fault list.
The Delete Faults command deletes faults from the fault list added using the Add
Faults command or the Load Faults command.
You can optionally specify faults with a specific stuck-at value. If you do not
specify a stuck-at value when deleting a fault, the command deletes both the
“stuck-at-0” and “stuck-at-1” faults from the fault list.
When you issue this command, the tool discards all patterns in the current test
pattern. To save the current test patterns you must explicitly save them with the
Save Patterns command prior to issuing the Delete Faults command.
In addition to specifying faults with a specific stuck-at value, FastScan lets you
specify faults that are untestable. Untestable faults are common when using Built-
In Self-Test (BIST) techniques or random patterns. This includes faults which the
tool cannot detect due to either constraints or the use of a single capture clock.
This also includes faults on circuitry which do not have a scan propagable path to