Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Delete Capture Handling Command Dictionary
Delete Capture Handling
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: All modes
Prerequisites: You can use this command only after FastScan flattens the design to
the simulation model, which happens when you first attempt to exit Setup
mode or when you issue the Flatten Model command.
DELete CApture Handling {object... | -All} [-SInk | -SOurce]
Removes the special data capture handling for the specified objects.
When you remove the special data capture handling, the default handling resumes.
The default data capture handling specifies that the source elements pass on the
values from the previous (not the current) clock cycle. When using the Delete
Capture Handling command, you must specify either an object name or all
Specifies the object(s) for which you want FastScan to remove any special data
capture handling. The following lists the valid choices for the object argument:
gate_id# — A repeatable integer that specifies the gate identification
numbers of the objects. The value of the gate_id# argument is the unique
identification number that FastScan automatically assigns to every gate
within the design during the model flattening process.
pin_pathname — A repeatable string that specifies the name of a pin
within the design.
instance_name — A repeatable string that specifies the name of an
instance within the design.
-Cell cell_type — A repeatable switch and string pair that specifies the
name of a cell.