Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
TIMEPLATE Timing Command Dictionary
before the capture clock pulses in a non-scan cycle (the MEASURE_PO
event must occur prior to the capture clock).
CAPTURE_CLOCK_OFF time — Specifies the time at which the tool
forces the capture clock to its off state.
SKEW_CAPTURE_CLOCK_ON “pin_name” time — Specifies the
force on time for the capture clock. For example, this statement lets you
specify different timing for the LSSD_A and LSSD_B clocks, to ensure the
timing coincides with the shift procedure.
The time you specify should be greater than the MEASURE_PO time.
A single timeplate can contain more than one
SKEW_CAPTURE_CLOCK_ON statement can specify multiple pin
names with the same force time. Each pin name you specify must appear in
SKEW_CAPTURE_CLOCK_OFF “pin_nametime — Specifies the
force off time for the capture clock. For example, this statement lets you
specify different timing for the LSSD_A and LSSD_B clocks, to ensure the
timing coincides with the shift procedure.
The time you specify should be greater than the
A single timeplate can contain more than one
SKEW_CAPTURE_CLOCK_OFF statement can specify multiple pin
names with the same force time. Each pin name you specify must appear in
DUMMY_CLOCK_ON time — Specifies the time at which the tool
forces on the dummy clocks. Dummy clock statements support both IDDQ
pattern sets and pattern sets containing patterns using clock procedures. For
example, when the test pattern format requires a single timing definition,
and the pattern set does not pulse the capture clock within the patterns (as is
the case with IDDQ patterns), then the non-scan timing would not match
the test procedure timing for the load_unload and shift procedures (which
do pulse clocks). In this situation, you could add dummy clock statements