Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Select Iddq Patterns Command Dictionary
-Max_measures number
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the maximum number of
patterns (cycles) with an IDDQ measure statement that the tool allows in the
final set. Once the command identifies the maximum number of IDDQ
measurements, the command terminates. The default is all patterns with an
IDDQ measure statement.
-Threshold number
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the minimum number of
IDDQ faults an IDDQ measurement must detect to pass the selection process.
The default is 1.
-TEst_coverage [integer] (FlexTest only)
An optional switch which sets the iddq selection process to stop when the
accumulate test coverage reaches the specified integer value. The default is
-Percentage number (FlexTest only)
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the minimum percentage of
remaining undetected IDDQ faults an IDDQ measurement must detect to pass
the selection process. The default is 0.
-Window number (FlexTest only)
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the size of the data detection
table by setting the table’s maximum number of allowed IDDQ measurements.
Use this switch in conjunction with the -Exhaustive switch if you encounter a
memory size problem. The default is 1000.
An optional switch that, for FastScan, deletes all patterns from the internal
pattern set that do not contain an IDDQ measure statement. For FlexTest, this
option removes only the cycles that follow the last cycle having an IDDQ
measure statement. This is the default.