Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Diagnose Failures Command Dictionary
If you do not specify the -Output switch and string pair, the command displays
the diagnostic report to stdout.
An optional switch that replaces the contents of the report_filename if one by
the same name already exists.
An optional switch that specifies for the tool to perform a scan chain diagnosis.
The following example first sets the file, pattern_file1, as the external test pattern
source, then places the identities of the failed patterns associated with a specific
stuck-at-0 fault into a file named fail_patterns, and finally, performs a diagnosis
of the failing patterns identified in the file, fail_patterns:
set system mode good
set pattern source external pattern_file1
write failures fail_patterns i_1006/i1 -stuck_at 0
// failing_patterns=15 simulated_patterns=36
fault_simulation_time=0.00 sec
diagnose failures fail_patterns
// Warning: Current fault list is now deleted.
// Warning: Current internal test pattern set is now deleted.
// fail_patterns diagnosis summary, failing_patterns=15
defects=1 unexplained_fails=0
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// fault candidates for defect 1, number
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// type code pin_pathname (cell_name)
// ---- ---- -------------------------------------------
// 0 DS i_1006/i1 (_dff)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Diagnosis CPU time = 0.03 sec.
To continue the previous example, still using the external test pattern source file
pattern_file1, this example places the identities of the failed patterns associated
with a different stuck-at-0 fault into the file named fail_patterns, and then
performs a diagnosis of the failing patterns identified in the file, fail_patterns,
sending the report to a file named fail_diags: