Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Open Schematic Viewer Command Dictionary
Open Schematic Viewer
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
OPEn SChematic VIewer
Invokes the optional schematic viewing application, DFTInsight.
The Open Schematic Viewer command opens a DFTInsight schematic display
window. If you issue the Analyze Drc command, the Add Display Instances
command, or the Analyze Fault -Display command (in FastScan only) prior to the
Open Schematic Viewer command, DFTInsight displays that netlist upon
invocation. Otherwise, the schematic display window is initially empty.
By default, DFTInsight looks for the netlist at the following location:
$MGC_HOME/tmp/dfti.<process#>/ipc/, which is also the default
location where FastScan and FlexTest place the netlist. You can change this
default location for all three tools by using the Set Schematic Display command.
DFTInsight handles these two interrupt types as follows:
Terminating a Large Schematic Generation: When DFTInsight generates a
large schematic, it may take several minutes. You can terminate a lengthy
generation by entering Control-C in the DFTInsight window. This causes
the display to revert back to the previously-viewed schematic. If you enter
Control-C multiple times, the first Control-C terminates the schematic
generation as described; DFTI traps and discards all others.
Terminating a Dynamic View or Select Area: When using the mouse to
perform a view area or select area by using the press-drag-release or click-
move-click methods, you can terminate the dynamic view by pressing the
Escape key. This leaves the schematic in the state it was in prior to
initiating the view or select area.