Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Set Multiple Load
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Multiple Load
Tools supported: Fastscan
Scope: All modes
SET MUltiple Load ON |
Specifies how the tool handles multiple scan loads.
The Set Multiple Load command specifies how the tool handles multiple scan
loads. It supports patterns containing more than one scan load operation. You can
use this command to take advantage of non-scan sequential cells which are
capable of retaining state through a scan load operation. The multiple load
functionality is an extension to clock sequential ATPG.
When multiple load patterns are in the pattern set, an additional line is output in
the statistics report. This extra line indicates the number of multiple load patterns
in the current pattern set. For example:
Statistics report
#faults #faults
fault class (coll.) (total)
----------------------- ------- -------
FU (full) 150 198
----------------------- ------- -------
DS (det_simulation) 71 105
DI (det_implication) 65 79
PT (posdet_testable) 14 14
----------------------- ------- -------
test_coverage 95.33% 96.46%
fault_coverage 95.33% 96.46%
atpg_effectiveness 95.33% 96.46%
#test_patterns 18
#clock_sequential_patterns 3
#multiple_load_patterns 15
#simulated_patterns 64
CPU_time (secs) 0.3