Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Setup Pin Constraints
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Setup Pin Constraints
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: Setup mode
Prerequisites: You must execute the Set Test Cycle command before adding pin
SETUp PIn Constraints constraint_format
Changes the default cycle behavior for non-constrained primary inputs.
The Setup Pin Constraints command changes the default cycle behavior for all
primary inputs not specified with the Add Pin Constraints command. You must
first specify the test cycle width with the Set Test Cycle command.
A required argument that specifies the new constraint_format default for all
primary inputs not specified with the Add Pin Constraints command. The
constraint_format argument choices are as follows:
NR period offset — A literal and two integer triplet that specifies
application of the non-return waveform value to the primary input pins. The
test pattern set you provide determines the actual value FlexTest assigns to
the pins.
C0 — A literal that specifies application of the constant 0 to the chosen
primary input pin. If the value of the pin changes during the scan operation,
the tool uses the non-return waveform.
C1 — A literal that specifies application of the constant 1 to the chosen
primary input pins. If the value of the pin changes during the scan
operation, the tool uses the non-return waveform.
CZ — A literal that specifies application of the constant Z (high
impedance) to the chosen primary input pins. If the value of the pin changes
during the scan operation, FlexTest uses the non-return waveform.