Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Distributed FlexTest
Host File Syntax
The -Hostfile option allows you to specify a list of hosts for distributed execution.
Each host is listed in host_filename on a line by itself with some additional
parameters to specify the execution environment on the remote machine. The
following optional parameters may follow a host name (a white space should
separate the host name and the additional parameters):
Where MGC_HOME is the location of the FlexTest installation tree on the
slave machine. If not specified, the value of MGC_HOME for the spawned
slave process is assumed to be the same as that of the master process.
Where WORK_DIR is the working directory for the remote process. If not
specified, the working directory is assumed to be the same as that of the
master process.
Where num_tasks is the number of slave processes to spawn on the remote
machine. The default is 1.
The relative speed rating of the remote host. The default is 1000 (same as
The following is an example of the contents of a Host File:
solaris1 mgc=/user/local/flextest/ss5 wd=/user/jdoe/ckts sp=1000
sunmp1 mgc=/user/local/flextest/ss5 wd=/user/jdoe/ckts numt=4 sp=1000
hpux1 mgc=/user/local/flextest/hpu wd=/user/jdoe/ckts sp=500
ibm1 mgc=/usr/local/flextest/ira wd=/user/jdoe/ckts sp=500 numt=1
If a Host File is specified, FlexTest assumes that you intend to use the hosts for
distributed processing and will attempt to spawn additional FlexTest processes (as
specified by the Host File). You can use the Report Hosts command to list the