Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Run
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: Atpg, Fault, and Good modes
For FastScan
RUN [-RETain_abort] [-NOAnalyze]
For FlexTest
RUN [-Begin begin_number] [-End end_number] [-Record cycles]
[-RETain_abort] [-NOAnalyze] [-Message integer]
Runs a simulation or ATPG process.
The Run command performs slightly differently depending on whether you are
using FastScan or FlexTest. In either case, you can repeat the Run command as
often as you desire to further increase test coverage for an ATPG process. The
following paragraphs describe how the command operates for each tool.
FastScan Specifics
The Run command performs a fault or good simulation or an ATPG process using
the current test pattern source. You can terminate the simulation by using the
Control-C keys.
If a run analysis fails to satisfy all ATPG restrictions prior to test generation, you
will be notified of the existence of these test generation problems and the run will
be terminated. At this point, you may choose to either 1) continue the run analysis
but ignore the problems by re-issuing the Run command with the -Noanalyze
switch or 2) use the Analyze Restrictions command to find the source of the
FlexTest Specifics
The Run command performs a fault or good simulation or an ATPG process using
the current test pattern source (only in fault and good simulation modes). You can