Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Add Display Path
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
FastScan Specifics
When using FastScan you can optionally display delay paths that reside in a path
definition file. To do so, simply use the -Delay_path switch and the path name.
You can display a list of all the paths and their names by using the Report Paths
-Delay_path path_name (FastScan Only)
A switch and string pair that specifies the name of a path defined in a path
definition file. FastScan uses the path definition to create a gate list containing
all the gates associated with the path and then passes the list to DFTI for
graphical display.
-All (FastScan Only)
A switch that causes DFTInsight to display all paths that are currently defined
in the path definition file.
A string specifying the name of the first gate instance in the path you want to
display in the DFTInsight schematic viewer.
If you pair this argument with an instance_name_end argument, the command
displays all the gates between instance_name_begin and instance_name_end.
If you only specify the instance_name_begin, then the tool assumes the path is
a feedback path. If the tool does not find a feedback path, it displays an error
An integer specifying the gate identification number of the first gate in the path
that you want the DFTInsight schematic viewer to display. The value of the
gate_id_begin# argument is the unique identification number that the tool
automatically assigns to every gate within the design during the model
flattening process.
If you pair this argument with a gate_id_end# argument, the command
displays all the gates between gate_id_begin# and gate_id_end#.