Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Save Patterns Command Dictionary
pattern of the pattern set. pattern_number is an integer and pattern_name is
a string generated by using the -tag switch (which specifies a prefix for all
pattern names). For example, pattern_name = tag_name_1, tag_name_2,
If you save only a portion of the internal patterns in the -Ascii format, the
tool does not include test coverage and fault information.
For FlexTest: -END end_number
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the number of the
FlexTest cycle at which you want the command to stop storing patterns.
This argument is inclusive; therefore, the tool stores the pattern identified
by the end_number you specify. The cycle number is the cycle of the
pattern set.
If you save only a portion of the internal patterns in the -Ascii format, the
tool does not include test coverage and fault information.
-TAg tag_name (FastScan Only)
An optional switch that adds a unique user-specified label, tag_name, to each
pattern. All chain tests automatically have “chain” as the tag_name regardless
of the tag_name given in the -Tag switch. Since all tag names must be unique,
“chain” is not a valid tag_name. If the tag_name supplied is not unique, an
error message is issued and the run aborts.
If FastScan reads in patterns using the Set Pattern External command, the
patterns must also be unique. The run aborts if FastScan attempts to make two
identically named patterns co-resident by any method. This uniqueness extends
across both the internal and external pattern sets. It is not possible to have the
same pattern_name in the internal and external sets.
-CEll_placement Bottom | Top | None
An optional switch and literal pair that controls the placement of the scan cell
data in the ASCII pattern file. The literal choices are as follows.
Bottom — A literal that places the scan data after the patterns, at the end of
the file. This is the default.
Top — A literal that places the scan data before the patterns, at the top of
the file.