Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Macrotest Command Dictionary
attempts and orderings, a message is issued for that pattern stating how many
outputs were not observed for that pattern.
When using this option, macrotest is terminated (aborted) ONLY if the control
(input) values cannot be created for some pattern. If this occurs, then macrotest
must terminate because the expected outputs for subsequent patterns may no
longer be correct. As long as the inputs can be created (data and clock pulses),
macrotest will continue, issuing an informative message for each pattern which
has incomplete observation of the known macro outputs. Only known outputs
are observed for any pattern with this option, therefore, no message is issued if
a Don’t Care (X) output can not be observed. The informative message states
the number of known outputs which were not observed, and remains silent for
each pattern where all known outputs are observed.
-MAX_Path_attempts d
An optional literal that establishes the positive integer d as the value for the
number of observation attempts which is used by the -random_observe switch.
The default value for d is 5 if this option is omitted, but the -random_observe
option is issued.
-Parity parity_file_name
When the det_observe switch is used (default), a path is found from each
macro output to some scan cell or PO which is observable. This path is used
for all tests. If the -verbose option is used (default), then the scan cell or PO
where an output is observed is reported once at the beginning of the pattern
conversion process. Also, the parity along that path (even number of inversions
or odd) is reported. If the -parity option is supplied, the report is written to the
parity_file_name which follows that option instead of to the transcript or
logfile where output normally goes. The -no_replace default does not
overwrite an existing file, whereas the -replace option allows an existing parity
file to be overwritten.
An optional literal that specifies to replace information in the existing