Command Dictionary Report Primary Outputs
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Report Primary Outputs
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: All modes
REPort PRimary Outputs [-
All | net_pathname... | primary_output_pin...] [-Class
Full | User | System}]
Displays the specified primary outputs.
The Report Primary Outputs command displays a list of primary outputs of a
circuit. You can choose to display either the user class, system class, or full
classes of primary outputs. Additionally, you can display all the primary outputs
or a specific list of primary outputs. If you issue the command without specifying
any arguments, then the tool displays all the primary outputs.
• -All
An optional switch that displays all primary outputs. This is the default.
• net_pathname
An optional repeatable string that specifies the circuit connections whose user-
class primary outputs you want to display.
• primary_output_pin
An optional repeatable string that specifies a list of system-class primary
output pins that you want to display.
• -Class Full | User | System
An optional switch and literal pair that specifies the source (or class) of the
primary input pins which you want to display. The literal choices are as
Full — A literal that displays all the primary input pins in the user and
system class. This is the default.