Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Report Test Stimulus Command Dictionary
Report Test Stimulus
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: Atpg, Fault, and Good modes
REPort TEst Stimulus -Set {{id# | pin_pathname} {0 | 1 | Z}}...
| -Write {{id# | RAM_instance_name} [address_values] [data_values]}...
| -Read {{id# | RAM_instance_name} [address_values]}...
| -RWx {{id# | RAM_instance_name} [address_values]}...
| -SENsitize {{id# | RAM_instance_name | pin_pathname}
[-Observe {id# | pin_pathname}][-Expect {0 | 1 | X | Z}...]}...
[-Port port_id#] [-
Verbose | -Noverbose] [-PRevious] [-STore]
Displays the stimulus necessary to satisfy the specified set, write, or read
You use the Report Test Stimulus command to identify how to sensitize scan
chain blockage points. For example, if you first delete all scan groups and then go
to the ATPG system mode, you can issue the Report Test Stimulus command for
possible conditions to satisfy sensitization. That is, if the blockage was at an AND
gate, you might try to set an input of the gate to 1.
If the test generation is not successful, the command displays a message indicating
why. The reason may be that the test was aborted, redundant, or ATPG untestable.
If the test generation is successful, the command displays the stimulus necessary
to satisfy the specified conditions. The display identifies the stimulus for scan
cells by the gate index number, instance name, and cell ID number of the scan
You can access the simulated values for internal gates by using the Set Gate
Report command with a parallel_pattern of 0.
-Set id# | pin_pathname 0 | 1 | Z
A switch with a repeatable argument and literal pair that specifies the pin and
its value for which you want to generate the appropriate stimulus. You may