Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Add Display Instances
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
An optional switch specifying that the trace from the given objects is
backward, towards the primary input pins.
If you do not explicitly specify a stopping_point switch in combination with
this switch, the command default is for the backward trace to include only one
level of gates.
The stopping_point is an optional switch argument that specifies the last gate that
you want DFTInsight to include in the display. The following information
describes the choices, from which you can select only one:
-Level number
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies for DFTInsight to stop the
trace after it reaches the given number of connected gates. If you do not use
one of the stopping_point arguments with the command, the default is -
1. You can use this switch in combination with either the -Forward or
-Backward switch.
An optional switch that specifies for DFTInsight to stop the trace after it
reaches all the gates in a cone of a clock. A cone is bound by tie gates, state
elements, primary inputs, and primary outputs. This switch requires that you
specify the direction in which DFTInsight performs the trace by using either
the -Forward or -Backward switch.
An optional switch that specifies for DFTInsight to continue the trace until it
reaches either a primary input, primary output, or a tie gate. This switch
requires that you specify the direction in which DFTInsight performs the trace
by using either the -Forward or -Backward switch.
An optional switch that specifies for DFTInsight to continue the trace until it
reaches a multiple-input gate. The trace includes all the inputs of the multiple-
input gate, but stops after that point. This switch requires that you specify the
direction in which DFTInsight performs the trace by using either the -Forward
or -Backward switch.