Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Save Patterns
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Save Patterns
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: Atpg mode
FastScan Prerequisites: You may use this command in the Good system mode if
the pattern source is external and you use the -Store_patterns option with the
Set Pattern Source command.
For FastScan
SAVe PAtterns filename [-Replace] [format_switch]
[timing_filename | proc_filename] [-
Parallel | -Serial] [-EXternal]
[-NOInitialization] [-BEgin {pattern_number | pattern_name}]
[-END {pattern_number | pattern_name}] [-TAg tag_name]
[-CEll_placement {
Bottom | Top | None}] [-ENVironment] [-One_setup]
ALl_test | -CHain_test | -SCan_test] [-NOPadding | -PAD0 | -PAD1] [-Noz]
[-Map mapping_file] [-
TIMingfile | -PROcfile] [-PATtern_size integer]
For FlexTest
SAVe PAtterns filename [-Replace] [format_switch]
[timing_filename | proc_filename] [-
Parallel | -Serial] [-EXternal]
[-NOInitialization] [-BEgin begin_number] [-END end_number]
[-CEll_placement {
Bottom | Top | None}] [-One_setup]
ALl_test | -CHain_test | -CYcle_test] [-NOPadding | -PAD0 | -PAD1] [-Noz]
TIMingfile | -PROcfile] [-PAttern_size integer]
Saves the current test pattern set to a file in the format that you specify.
The Save Patterns command saves the current test pattern set into a file. If you do
not save the patterns when you leave the ATPG mode, the tool displays a message
warning of potential pattern loss and the need to save the existing pattern set, if
desired. You can also save simulation and ASIC vendor format patterns even
though no pattern is generated by ATPG.
You can save the patterns in several different formats. The format_switch
argument supports an extensive list of formats which you can read under the