Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Report Test Stimulus
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
MUX input pin, etc. The conditions necessary to observe the output pins (or
pin) of that primitive are calculated and reported. By issuing successive -
sensitize options with different pin pathnames while also including the -
previous option, you can find (and store with -store) the conditions which
would allow a test to observe multiple sites simultaneously, even though
they are driven by the outputs of different primitives. This is a general way
to specify more than one pin for simultaneous observation. If a single
primitive has multiple outputs, such as a RAM, and only the RAM instance
name is given, all of the outputs of the RAM will be observed
simultaneously, or a report of failure to sensitize will be issued The
following describes the possible switch arguments:
id# — An integer that specifies the gate identification number of the RAM
gate from which you want to read.
instance_name — A string that specifies the pathname of the RAM
instance from which you want to read.
address_values — A required character string consisting of 0’s and 1’s that
specifies the values you want to place on the RAM address lines. The least
significant value must be the last character in the string. The number of
characters in the string must not exceed the number of RAM address lines
-Observe id# | pin_pathname
The -observe switch only applies to the -sensitize option when a single
pin is specified This switch specifies where the sensitized primitive
output should be observed (latched for comparison). It is possible to
specify multiple -sensitize/-observe pairings by using the -previous
option. If non interfering paths cannot be created between all
simultaneously active -sensitize/-observe points, a message will be
issued, and the run terminated.
-Expect 0 | 1 | X
The -expect modifier also only applies if a -sensitize option is given on
the same command line. It is followed by the expected output value for
the primitive to be sensitized (either 0, 1, or X). The X value can also be
specified using lower case x, and means unspecified output value. For
example, if a RAM is being -sensitized, then one output value for each
output bit of the RAM must be specified if output values are given using