Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Set Capture Limit
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Set Capture Limit
Tools Supported: FlexTest
Scope: All modes
SET CApture Limit OFf | {test_cycle_limit [-
Maximum | -Exact]}
Specifies the number of test cycles between two consecutive scan operations.
The Set Capture Limit command allows you to limit the number of test cycles that
FlexTest captures between two consecutive scan operations for internal ATPG
patterns; the command does not affect external patterns. You may need to use this
command with hardware testers that limit the number of test cycles between two
consecutive scan operations. FlexTest classifies any undetected faults due to the
capture limit as atpg_untestable (AU) faults.
You can use the Report Environment command to display the current capture
A literal specifying that there is no limit to the number of test cycles that
FlexTest allows between two consecutive scan operations. This is the default
behavior of FlexTest upon invocation.
test_cycle_limit -Maximum | -Exact
A positive integer and optional switch pair that specifies either the maximum
or the exact number of test cycles that FlexTest allows between two
consecutive scan operations. The switch choices are as follows:
Maximum — An optional switch that specifies for FlexTest to interpret the
test_cycle_limit argument value as the maximum number of capture test
cycles. FlexTest will not allow any more than the specified number of
capture test cycles between two consecutive scan operations. This is the
test_cycle_limit argument default.