Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Add Display Instances
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Add Display Instances
Tools Supported: DFTInsight, FastScan, and FlexTest
FastScan Scope: All modes
FlexTest Scope: Setup and Drc modes
Prerequisites: This command can only operate on the flattened simulation model
of the design. The design flattening happens when you first attempt to exit
Setup mode, or when you issue the Flatten Model command.
ADD DIsplay Instances {{gate_id# [-I input_pin_id | -O output_pin_id]} |
pin_pathname | instance_name}... [-Forward | -Backward] [-
Level number |
-Cone | -End_point | -Decision_ point]
DFTInsight Menu Paths:
Display > Additions: Named Instances
Display > Back Trace >...
Display > Forward Trace >...
Adds the specified instances to the netlist for display.
The Add Display Instances command creates a netlist containing the gates that
you specify. If you already have DFTInsight invoked, the viewer automatically
displays the graphical representation of the netlist and also marks key instances in
the schematic view. Otherwise (if licensed), DFTInsight is automatically invoked
on the netlist.
The following lists the three methods for naming the objects that you want
DFTInsight to display. You can use any number of the three argument choices, in
any order.
gate_id# -I input_pin_id | -O output_pin_id
A repeatable integer and optional switch and number pair that specifies the
gates that DFTInsight displays. The value of the gate_id# argument is the