Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Report Test Stimulus Command Dictionary
-expect. The bits should be specified in the same order as the RAM’s
outputs. If a RAM named mem1 is specified with outputs
Dout<7>..Dout<0>, then if the expected outputs are included, there
must be 8 expected values starting with the expected value for Dout<7>
as the leftmost bit. For example, 1000000x after -expect could be used to
specify that the RAM’s outputs are expected to be 1 for Dout<7>, and 0
for all other bits except Dout<0>, whose expected output is Unknown or
Don’t Care. If this RAM’s outputs were sensitized to scan latches along
an inverting path, 0111111X would be stored as the expected latched
results to be scanned out as the test results
-Port port_id#
An optional switch and integer pair that specifies the identification number of
the port that you want the command to use for reading or writing RAM. The
port identification number is zero based; that is, the first port is “port 0.” The
default is 0.
FastScan reports an error if the port number is too large for the specified RAM
An optional switch that displays the pattern that the command creates to satisfy
the specified settings. This is the default.
An optional switch that specifies to not display the pattern that the command
creates to satisfy the specified settings.
An optional switch that retains the settings from the previous Report Test
Stimulus command and adds them to the current settings. When you use this
switch, the command displays all the retained settings. The default is to not
retain the settings.
An optional switch that places the command-created pattern in the internal test
pattern area. You can then write this pattern to a file, in any format, by using
the Save Patterns command. The default is to not place the pattern in the
internal test pattern area.