Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Diagnose Failures Command Dictionary
Diagnose Failures
Tools Supported: FastScan
Scope: Atpg, Fault, and Good modes
Prerequisites: You can only use this command when the test pattern source is set
to external. To do so, use the Set Pattern Source command.
DIAgnose FAilures failure_filename [-Last {pattern_number | pattern_name}]
[-Output report_filename] [-Replace] [-Chain]
Diagnoses the failing patterns that the specified file identifies.
The Diagnose Failures command performs a diagnosis of the failing patterns that
the specified failure file identifies. You generate the data for the failure file by
using the failure information generated by an ATE tester. You then need to ensure
that you present the data in the correct format for the Diagnose Failures command.
Refer to the Write Failures command description for the proper format.
When performing the diagnosis on the failing patterns, the Diagnose Failures
command must use an external test pattern source. You specify the external test
pattern source file by using the Set Pattern Source command. When you diagnose
failing patterns, the tool deletes both the internal test pattern set and the current
fault list if they exist.
The diagnosis produces a failure diagnosis summary report. By default the
Diagnose Failures command displays the report to the transcript, however, you
can redirect the report to a file by using the -Output switch. The report contains
the following types of information:
Diagnose Summary information, including, total number of
failing_patterns, total number of defects, total number of unexplained_fails,
total number of fault candidates for defect, and total number of
Columnar list of fault sites most likely associated with the failing patterns.