Mentor v8.6_4 All in One Printer User Manual

Command Dictionary Save Patterns
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
None — A literal that excludes the scan data from the file.
-ENVironment (FastScan only)
An optional switch that includes information about the current FastScan
environment into the pattern file as comments. The information includes the
identification stamp number, the environment settings, and the DRC rules. The
information is the same as the Report Environment and Report ID Stamp
commands display.
An optional switch that specifies for the tool to apply only one test setup
procedure when both chain and scan test patterns are saved in one pattern file.
The tool applies the single test setup procedure before the chain test patterns.
The default behavior causes the tool to apply one test setup procedure before
the chain test patterns and another before the scan test patterns.
An optional switch that specifies for FastScan and FlexTest to save the
following respective tests in the pattern file:
FastScan saves both the chain test and the scan test
FlexTest saves both the chain test and the cycle test
An optional switch that specifies for the tool to save only the chain test in the
pattern file.
-SCan_test (FastScan only)
An optional switch that specifies for FastScan to save only the scan test in the
pattern file.
-CYcle_test (FlexTest only)
An optional switch that specifies for FlexTest to save only the cycle test in the
pattern file.
An optional switch that changes all Z output values to the value specified by
the last Set Z Handling command.